Radiotherapy finished, third chemo about to begin - feeling okay apart from diminished hearing (probably from the RT).
My eldest daughter came to Germany for five days recently and we had a wonderful snuggly, cuddly time, watching movies, lots of comedy, eating lovely food and lots of talk. It did me so much good. And this week my sister came out, also for five days and she has not quilted before so, as I was feeling well, I got her a simple table runner pattern and she went through every stage of making a quilt as a learning exercise by making this runner - she chose the fabrics so well and it looks beautiful. Unfortunately, my sewing machine just collapsed and refused to sew towards the end, so my sister had to turn the wheel manually and my goodness, those stitches were slow. But she finished and I am so proud of her. She is going to applique/quilt something in the big orange square when she gets home and has time to think about it more. I really think she'll carry on with this and she wants to do some placemats next so she's setting herself realistic goals rather than taking on a bedquilt and investing in a load of fabric. Luckily, she used to make clothes so has already quite a stash of cottons to choose from.
And here are the two embroideries I am working on (quilting is a bit too physical at the moment but I hope to get back to it soon). The German Christmas carol is a favourite of ours and I tried to finish this for last Christmas but didn't make it - am determined to get it done and framed by this Christmas. The other is the old German Coffee shop which is extremely tiny stitches and very slow progress but I do love the look with the copper thread picking out all the lettering and special features. I will not finish this until after New Year.